Lagerfeldts Coke-design passé?

Yes Lagerfeldt, we did like your Coca-Cola design until Daft Punk made you look pink and stupid..
Cause I like it simple, black and classy. Chic and cool.. Love it!

Half of me stayed in paris

without my second part

Sometimes I realy think that I like to torture myself, cause this video dont realy make it easyer. But I ceep looking at it over and over again.. well, OK I admit it, its only been 3 days since I left. I´m a fucking dramaqueen!


please, dont stop staring...


Now I need to drive up to Helsingborg 2 hours to pick up two chairs that iv bought yesterday..

The beautiful WAY OF hangover

"Hangover is a beautiful thing"

Bohemian love

Today, until now, brunch at home then off to place des voges to eat some more and then to our place to have an american pancake afternoon...
I like this kind of days, when the only intention you have is to EAT! happy my appetite is back!

We are ready for the floor

i just dance the way i feel...


Before I took off

Precis innan jag stack till Paris käkade jag med några tjejkompisar på möllan..
Medan vi åt passade Annas lilla vita vän, Iphonen, på att ta sig ett litet dopp i sjön som servitören lite diskret hade skapat på bordet. Och inte fan kunde han simma inte..
Liten men snabb som fan hojtar servitören "Ris! Ris!" och kommer fort som sören tillbaka med en skål full av ris (?!?) ..A tar artigt emot riset men undrar hur fasen det ska kunna hjälpa hennes iphone? .. Servitören förstår Annas osäkra blick och tar genast Iphonen ur hennes händer med ett stort leende och stoppade den i rishögen hon nyss hade fått i en skål framför sig. hmmm..
Nu stirrar tre blonda brudar på en och samma risskål där Annas lilla vita vän ligger och skakar.
Vad ska det där vara bra för? JO, nu har vi alla lärt oss att ris har en fantastisk uppsugnings förmåga, och att ris kan suga vatten ur i princip det mesta.. Var dag lär man sig ngt nytt...
May God bless rise!

"Annas Iphone ligger Risigt till!" - Citerat Bianca Caesar
while we were eating and discussing all of that stuf that girls need to discuss the day before somebody leaves for the weekend, Anna´s dear little white friend, her Iphone, took a little swim in the lake that our waiter nicely and discrete had created on the table..

He went back with a cup of rise.. we really did not understand how the rise could help our poor little nearly drowned white friend? But you learn something everyday! So now you know that rise can suck out water from nearly everything..


I´m in PARIS!

Oh yes good old fellers, this little girl just esc:ed her way back to Paris for a couple of days..
ooooh nooowww.. please don't cry! Mummy will be back in town on Monday….
P.S I couldn't say anything before I got here because it was a surprise for my boyfriend!

Laisse moi zoom zoom zen...

Nu ska jag iväg till Caribes Kréole (eller hur det stavas) på Möllan, och käka med tjejerna..

Today´s Work

Today i´v been working at Boutique 100, as there Decorator... an "outfit-maker", or what ever you wanna call it..
and here is the result of todays work:


Shorts: Myrornas
Halsband: egen skapelse
pälsväst: Kaxiainuo
tröja: HM
Glasses: Tiger

Yes, yes...

Sooooon PARIS again! looking sooo much foreword to it!
Sorry i´v not been very funny today, I cant always be.. I have been working on something top secret, mmmhmm.
All over that "top secret thing" iv bought a new Iphone, a new pear of glasses (That Djo totally gonna take away from me as soon as I got to Paris) but until then, Im very happy to have them..
Tomorrow its work time, then a meeting in town, after that I hopefully meet the girls.
See ya!


OH YES! I´m a mother fucking PRÄST!


Festade hos frälsningsarmén igår.. eller ja typ.  Förbaskat kul hade vi i alla fall..


Sen har jag en fråga till er? Var får man tag på en såndär skruvmejsel som har en antenn att plocka upp tappade skruvar med? Vilken fantastisk makapär! Ones you tryed it, you never stop loving it! Känslan av att veta att jag aldrig mer skulle behöva böja mig ner för att plocka upp en skruv har förändrat mitt liv.. SNÄLLA HJÄLP MIG! Klas Ohlsson kanske?


… Aja, nu ska jag till myrorna och försöka hitta en Overhead apparat!



Days like this...

Det är en "såndär dag" idag...
Jag får helt enkelt återkomma.


Sneak Peak from todays shoot..

This is the photos that I have been taken with my camera today, The "real ones" comes when Martina is ready with them... We´ve done a good work today, started urly in the morning, around 8:00 and finish around 12:30.. Nice!
I want to say thanks to everybody that workt so hard with me today, we were a good team!


Börjar bli så sjuuuukt trött på alla snygga bloggerskor! Maaaahhhh! Man får ju ångest var gång man råkar trilla in på en och annan..
Så om det kan hjälpa er som känner samma sak, tänkte jag vara sådär extra ful i kväll!
Start to be sooo tired of all this beautiful "blog-girls" all around! You just get so fucking depressed every time you just happen to fall in to one an an other..
SO, if it could help you gyes, that think the same way as me, I thought I could be a little more ugly than usual this evening! Here you go...


OKey, For all of you that still don't know THE BLACK KEYS

You can listen to ALL of there songs. They are amazing!
My favorites:
Never gonna give you up
Everlasting light
Next girl
To afraid to love
Tighten up



The last few days I haven't sleep, haven't eat and I don't know why..
And thats really not what Im use to. Hope you sleep better than me tonight,

This song used to make me sleep:

I feel just like a child!

B-day for little A


I City idag...

I CITY idag:
Och jag kommer som vanligt alltid med så förbaskat vettiga svar..
In today´s newspaper
Question: witch age would you like to stay in forever?

Emma Cholat, 22 years old from Paris: "20 was nice!" Why? "Cause back then I was young and dumb"
.. I hate thouse kind of stuf, It always makes me sound so fucking stupid!

Goodbye - You may have the swine flu!

Enda sedan vi upptäckte svininfluensan har den sedan tidigare världskända skådespelaren Nasse, från tv-serien Nalle Phu, helt klar tappat sin popularitet radikalt. Sorry Nasse, but we have to say goodbye!

Anni-bananis b-day soon!

on friday it´s my little A´s B-day, and we are gonna have soooo much fun! looking foreword to it.

I feel AUTUM is in the air

Scateboard exhibition

Times like this

Summer soon comes to it´s end.. .

Fill me with BlakRoc!

I call him, my friend johnny


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